Functions | |
int | CAtlas::AddVertex (AT_scalar *conf, int *vID, void *userDef=NULL) |
int | CAtlas::RemoveVertex (int vID) |
int | CAtlas::GetVertexConfiguration (int vID, AT_scalar *conf, void **userDef=NULL) |
int | CAtlas::GetNrVertices (int *nr) |
int | CAtlas::GetVertices (int *vIDs) |
int | CAtlas::SetUserDef (int vID, void *userDef) |
int | CAtlas::GetNrPredecessors (int vID, int *nr) |
int | CAtlas::GetNrSuccessors (int vID, int *nr) |
int | CAtlas::GetSuccessor (int vID, int nr, int *nID) |
int | CAtlas::GetPredecessor (int vID, int nr, int *nID) |
int | CAtlas::GetPredecessors (int vID, int *ids) |
int | CAtlas::GetSuccessors (int vID, int *ids) |
int | CAtlas::VerticesConnected (int vID0, int vID1, bool *connected) |
This function adds a vertex to the graph.
This function removes a vertex from the graph.
Use this function to retrieve information from the vertex.
This function retrieves the total number of vertices in the graph.
This function retrieves the vertices in the graph.
This function enables the user to set the user defined pointer at a later moment.
Revrieve the number of incoming edges of a vertex.
Revrieve the number of outgoing edges of a vertex.
Retrieve the ID of the nr'th successor.
Retrieve the ID of the nr'th predecessor.
Retrieve all predecessor ID's a vertex.
Retrieve all successor ID's a vertex.
Check whether two vertices are connected, either direct or via other vertices.