int | CAL_AddLogEntry (char *entry) |
int | CAL_AddTextureResource (char *pathName) |
int | CAL_CheckGroupCollision (int group0, int group1, bool multiple, int *nrCols) |
int | CAL_CheckLineCollision (int groupID, CAL_scalar x0, CAL_scalar y0, CAL_scalar z0, CAL_scalar x1, CAL_scalar y1, CAL_scalar z1, bool multiple, int *nrCols) |
int | CAL_CheckPointCollision (int groupID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, bool multiple, int *nrCols) |
int | CAL_ClearCameraStates (int viewID) |
int | CAL_ClearGroupOrientations (int groupID, bool subGroups=false) |
int | CAL_ClearGroupPositions (int groupID, bool subGroups=false) |
int | CAL_ClearGroupScalings (int groupID, bool subGroups=false) |
int | CAL_ClearGroupVisibilities (int groupID, bool subGroups=false) |
int | CAL_ClearObjectOrientations (int objID) |
int | CAL_ClearObjectPositions (int objID) |
int | CAL_ClearObjectScalings (int objID) |
int | CAL_ClearObjectVisibilities (int objID) |
int | CAL_CloneGroup (int *groupIDNew, int groupID, int parentID, bool colCheck, char *name="", bool cloneObjs=true) |
int | CAL_CloneGroupRecursive (int *newgroupIDs, int groupID, int parentID, int nr, int *ids, char **names=CAL_NULL, bool cloneObjs=true, bool keepColCap=false) |
int | CAL_CreateBox (int groupID, CAL_scalar xw, CAL_scalar yw, CAL_scalar zw, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateCone (int groupID, CAL_scalar radius, CAL_scalar height, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateConeFromTo (int groupID, CAL_scalar *from, CAL_scalar *to, CAL_scalar radius, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateCylinder (int groupID, CAL_scalar radius, CAL_scalar height, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateCylinderFromTo (int groupID, CAL_scalar *from, CAL_scalar *to, CAL_scalar radius, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateElevationGrid (int groupID, int xDim, int zDim, CAL_scalar xStep, CAL_scalar zStep, CAL_scalar *heights, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateGroup (int *groupID, int parentID, bool colCheck, char *name="", bool collapsed=false) |
int | CAL_CreateLabel (int objID, char *caption, CAL_scalar charHeight, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, bool showLine=true, bool fixedSize=false) |
int | CAL_CreateOverlay (int *overlayID, int viewID, int xPos, int yPos, int xDim, int yDim, int referencePos=CAL_TOPLEFT, int nrLines=1, bool background=true) |
int | CAL_CreatePointCloud (int groupID, int nrPoints, CAL_scalar *points, CAL_scalar *colors=CAL_NULL, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreatePolyline (int groupID, int nl, int *np, CAL_scalar *p, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateSphere (int groupID, CAL_scalar radius, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateTetrahedron (int groupID, CAL_scalar *p, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_CreateTriangles (int groupID, int nrTriangles, CAL_scalar *p, CAL_scalar *texCoords=CAL_NULL, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="") |
int | CAL_DestroyGroup (int groupID) |
int | CAL_DestroyLabel (int objID) |
int | CAL_DestroyObject (int objID) |
int | CAL_DestroyOverlay (int overlayID) |
int | CAL_EmptyGroup (int groupID, bool subGroups=false) |
int | CAL_End () |
int | CAL_GatherStatistics (int enable) |
int | CAL_GetCameraLookAt (int viewID, CAL_scalar *x, CAL_scalar *y, CAL_scalar *z) |
int | CAL_GetCameraPosition (int viewID, CAL_scalar *x, CAL_scalar *y, CAL_scalar *z) |
int | CAL_GetCameraRoll (int viewID, CAL_scalar *roll) |
int | CAL_GetClosestPairs (int groupID0, int groupID1, int *nrPairs) |
int | CAL_GetGroup (int groupID, void *CALGroup) |
int | CAL_GetGroupChildID (int groupID, int nr, int *childGroupID) |
int | CAL_GetGroupObjectID (int groupID, int nr, int *objectID) |
int | CAL_GetID (int *ID, char *name) |
int | CAL_GetObject (int objID, void *SCALObj) |
int | CAL_GetObjectType (int objID, int *objType) |
int | CAL_GetObjectWorldMatrix (int objID, CAL_matrix4 *matrix) |
int | CAL_GetPenetrationDepths (int groupID0, int groupID1, int *nrPairs) |
int | CAL_GetResults (void *userResults) |
int | CAL_HideView (int viewID) |
int | CAL_Initialisation (bool visualisation=true, char *logFile=CAL_NULL, char *visLogFile=CAL_NULL) |
int | CAL_LoadScene (char *fileName, int parentID, bool eraseCurrent, char *&error) |
int | CAL_LoadTexture (int textureID, char *fileName) |
int | CAL_MoveGroup (int groupID, int parentID) |
int | CAL_MoveObject (int objID, int groupID) |
int | CAL_ResetStatistics () |
int | CAL_ResumeVisualisation () |
int | CAL_SaveGroupStatistics (int groupID, char *fileName) |
int | CAL_SaveScene (char *fileName, int groupID) |
int | CAL_ScreenCapture (int viewID, char *fileName) |
int | CAL_SetBackgroundColor (int viewID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue) |
int | CAL_SetCameraLookAt (int viewID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetCameraOptions (int viewID, long options) |
int | CAL_SetCameraPosition (int viewID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetCameraRoll (int viewID, CAL_scalar roll, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetCameraState (int viewID, CAL_scalar pos[3], CAL_scalar lookAt[3], CAL_scalar up[3], CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetGroupActiveMaterial (int groupID, bool subGroups, int sID) |
int | CAL_SetGroupCastShadows (int groupID, bool castShadows, bool subGroups=false) |
int | CAL_SetGroupClearance (int groupID, CAL_scalar c) |
int | CAL_SetGroupCollisionCheckCapability (int groupID, bool colCapable, bool subGroups=false) |
int | CAL_SetGroupColor (int groupID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, bool subGroups=false, int sID=0) |
int | CAL_SetGroupName (int groupID, char *name) |
int | CAL_SetGroupOptions (int groupID, long options) |
int | CAL_SetGroupOrientationEuler (int groupID, CAL_scalar xRot, CAL_scalar yRot, CAL_scalar zRot, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetGroupOrientationMatrix (int groupID, CAL_matrix3 mat, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetGroupOrientationQuaternion (int groupID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar w, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetGroupPosition (int groupID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetGroupScaling (int groupID, CAL_scalar xScale, CAL_scalar yScale, CAL_scalar zScale, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetGroupTexture (int groupID, int textureID, CAL_scalar xtile, CAL_scalar ytile, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, bool subGroups=false, int sID=0) |
int | CAL_SetGroupVisibility (int groupID, int viewID, bool visible, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetKeypressCallback (CAL_KeypressCallback cb) |
int | CAL_SetLabelCaption (int objID, char *caption) |
int | CAL_SetLabelColor (int objID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue, CAL_scalar alpha) |
int | CAL_SetLightOptions (long options) |
int | CAL_SetObjectActiveMaterial (int objID, int sID) |
int | CAL_SetObjectCastShadows (int objID, bool castShadows) |
int | CAL_SetObjectClearance (int objID, CAL_scalar clearance) |
int | CAL_SetObjectColor (int objID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, int sID=0) |
int | CAL_SetObjectOptions (int objID, long options) |
int | CAL_SetObjectOrientationEuler (int objID, CAL_scalar xRot, CAL_scalar yRot, CAL_scalar zRot, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetObjectOrientationMatrix (int objID, CAL_matrix3 mat, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetObjectOrientationQuaternion (int objID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar w, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetObjectPosition (int objID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetObjectScaling (int objID, CAL_scalar xScale, CAL_scalar yScale, CAL_scalar zScale, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetObjectSelectCallback (CAL_ObjectSelectCallback cb) |
int | CAL_SetObjectTexture (int objID, int textureID, CAL_scalar xtile, CAL_scalar ytile, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, int sID=0) |
int | CAL_SetObjectVisibility (int objID, int viewID, bool visible, CAL_scalar time=-1) |
int | CAL_SetObjectWorldMatrix (int objID, CAL_matrix4 *matrix, CAL_scalar time) |
int | CAL_SetOverlayTextLine (int overlayID, int lineNr, char *text, float charHeight=10.f, float red=1.0f, float green=1.0f, float blue=1.0f, float alpha=1.0f) |
int | CAL_SetOverlayVisibility (int overlayID, bool visibility) |
int | CAL_SetTextureFromMem (int textureID, int width, int height, unsigned char *tex) |
int | CAL_SetTime (CAL_scalar time) |
int | CAL_SetViewFogDistance (CAL_scalar dist) |
int | CAL_SetViewGridSize (int viewID, CAL_scalar size) |
int | CAL_SetViewNavigationSpeed (int viewID, CAL_scalar dist) |
int | CAL_SetViewNearClippingDistance (int viewID, CAL_scalar dist) |
int | CAL_SetViewOptions (int viewID, long options) |
int | CAL_ShowView (int viewID, char *caption="", bool maximized=false) |
int | CAL_SuspendVisualisation () |
int | CAL_TileViews () |
All functions and constants of Callisto.