Callisto function reference  5.2
callisto52.h File Reference

All functions and constants of Callisto. More...

#include "callisto52Types.h"

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int CAL_AddLogEntry (char *entry)
int CAL_AddTextureResource (char *pathName)
int CAL_CheckGroupCollision (int group0, int group1, bool multiple, int *nrCols)
int CAL_CheckLineCollision (int groupID, CAL_scalar x0, CAL_scalar y0, CAL_scalar z0, CAL_scalar x1, CAL_scalar y1, CAL_scalar z1, bool multiple, int *nrCols)
int CAL_CheckPointCollision (int groupID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, bool multiple, int *nrCols)
int CAL_ClearCameraStates (int viewID)
int CAL_ClearGroupOrientations (int groupID, bool subGroups=false)
int CAL_ClearGroupPositions (int groupID, bool subGroups=false)
int CAL_ClearGroupScalings (int groupID, bool subGroups=false)
int CAL_ClearGroupVisibilities (int groupID, bool subGroups=false)
int CAL_ClearObjectOrientations (int objID)
int CAL_ClearObjectPositions (int objID)
int CAL_ClearObjectScalings (int objID)
int CAL_ClearObjectVisibilities (int objID)
int CAL_CloneGroup (int *groupIDNew, int groupID, int parentID, bool colCheck, char *name="", bool cloneObjs=true)
int CAL_CloneGroupRecursive (int *newgroupIDs, int groupID, int parentID, int nr, int *ids, char **names=CAL_NULL, bool cloneObjs=true, bool keepColCap=false)
int CAL_CreateBox (int groupID, CAL_scalar xw, CAL_scalar yw, CAL_scalar zw, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateCone (int groupID, CAL_scalar radius, CAL_scalar height, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateConeFromTo (int groupID, CAL_scalar *from, CAL_scalar *to, CAL_scalar radius, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateCylinder (int groupID, CAL_scalar radius, CAL_scalar height, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateCylinderFromTo (int groupID, CAL_scalar *from, CAL_scalar *to, CAL_scalar radius, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateElevationGrid (int groupID, int xDim, int zDim, CAL_scalar xStep, CAL_scalar zStep, CAL_scalar *heights, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateGroup (int *groupID, int parentID, bool colCheck, char *name="", bool collapsed=false)
int CAL_CreateLabel (int objID, char *caption, CAL_scalar charHeight, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, bool showLine=true, bool fixedSize=false)
int CAL_CreateOverlay (int *overlayID, int viewID, int xPos, int yPos, int xDim, int yDim, int referencePos=CAL_TOPLEFT, int nrLines=1, bool background=true)
int CAL_CreatePointCloud (int groupID, int nrPoints, CAL_scalar *points, CAL_scalar *colors=CAL_NULL, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreatePolyline (int groupID, int nl, int *np, CAL_scalar *p, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateSphere (int groupID, CAL_scalar radius, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateTetrahedron (int groupID, CAL_scalar *p, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_CreateTriangles (int groupID, int nrTriangles, CAL_scalar *p, CAL_scalar *texCoords=CAL_NULL, int *objID=CAL_NULL, char *name="")
int CAL_DestroyGroup (int groupID)
int CAL_DestroyLabel (int objID)
int CAL_DestroyObject (int objID)
int CAL_DestroyOverlay (int overlayID)
int CAL_EmptyGroup (int groupID, bool subGroups=false)
int CAL_End ()
int CAL_GatherStatistics (int enable)
int CAL_GetCameraLookAt (int viewID, CAL_scalar *x, CAL_scalar *y, CAL_scalar *z)
int CAL_GetCameraPosition (int viewID, CAL_scalar *x, CAL_scalar *y, CAL_scalar *z)
int CAL_GetCameraRoll (int viewID, CAL_scalar *roll)
int CAL_GetClosestPairs (int groupID0, int groupID1, int *nrPairs)
int CAL_GetGroup (int groupID, void *CALGroup)
int CAL_GetGroupChildID (int groupID, int nr, int *childGroupID)
int CAL_GetGroupObjectID (int groupID, int nr, int *objectID)
int CAL_GetID (int *ID, char *name)
int CAL_GetObject (int objID, void *SCALObj)
int CAL_GetObjectType (int objID, int *objType)
int CAL_GetObjectWorldMatrix (int objID, CAL_matrix4 *matrix)
int CAL_GetPenetrationDepths (int groupID0, int groupID1, int *nrPairs)
int CAL_GetResults (void *userResults)
int CAL_HideView (int viewID)
int CAL_Initialisation (bool visualisation=true, char *logFile=CAL_NULL, char *visLogFile=CAL_NULL)
int CAL_LoadScene (char *fileName, int parentID, bool eraseCurrent, char *&error)
int CAL_LoadTexture (int textureID, char *fileName)
int CAL_MoveGroup (int groupID, int parentID)
int CAL_MoveObject (int objID, int groupID)
int CAL_ResetStatistics ()
int CAL_ResumeVisualisation ()
int CAL_SaveGroupStatistics (int groupID, char *fileName)
int CAL_SaveScene (char *fileName, int groupID)
int CAL_ScreenCapture (int viewID, char *fileName)
int CAL_SetBackgroundColor (int viewID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue)
int CAL_SetCameraLookAt (int viewID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetCameraOptions (int viewID, long options)
int CAL_SetCameraPosition (int viewID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetCameraRoll (int viewID, CAL_scalar roll, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetCameraState (int viewID, CAL_scalar pos[3], CAL_scalar lookAt[3], CAL_scalar up[3], CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetGroupActiveMaterial (int groupID, bool subGroups, int sID)
int CAL_SetGroupCastShadows (int groupID, bool castShadows, bool subGroups=false)
int CAL_SetGroupClearance (int groupID, CAL_scalar c)
int CAL_SetGroupCollisionCheckCapability (int groupID, bool colCapable, bool subGroups=false)
int CAL_SetGroupColor (int groupID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, bool subGroups=false, int sID=0)
int CAL_SetGroupName (int groupID, char *name)
int CAL_SetGroupOptions (int groupID, long options)
int CAL_SetGroupOrientationEuler (int groupID, CAL_scalar xRot, CAL_scalar yRot, CAL_scalar zRot, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetGroupOrientationMatrix (int groupID, CAL_matrix3 mat, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetGroupOrientationQuaternion (int groupID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar w, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetGroupPosition (int groupID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetGroupScaling (int groupID, CAL_scalar xScale, CAL_scalar yScale, CAL_scalar zScale, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetGroupTexture (int groupID, int textureID, CAL_scalar xtile, CAL_scalar ytile, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, bool subGroups=false, int sID=0)
int CAL_SetGroupVisibility (int groupID, int viewID, bool visible, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetKeypressCallback (CAL_KeypressCallback cb)
int CAL_SetLabelCaption (int objID, char *caption)
int CAL_SetLabelColor (int objID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue, CAL_scalar alpha)
int CAL_SetLightOptions (long options)
int CAL_SetObjectActiveMaterial (int objID, int sID)
int CAL_SetObjectCastShadows (int objID, bool castShadows)
int CAL_SetObjectClearance (int objID, CAL_scalar clearance)
int CAL_SetObjectColor (int objID, CAL_scalar red, CAL_scalar green, CAL_scalar blue, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, int sID=0)
int CAL_SetObjectOptions (int objID, long options)
int CAL_SetObjectOrientationEuler (int objID, CAL_scalar xRot, CAL_scalar yRot, CAL_scalar zRot, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetObjectOrientationMatrix (int objID, CAL_matrix3 mat, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetObjectOrientationQuaternion (int objID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar w, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetObjectPosition (int objID, CAL_scalar x, CAL_scalar y, CAL_scalar z, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetObjectScaling (int objID, CAL_scalar xScale, CAL_scalar yScale, CAL_scalar zScale, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetObjectSelectCallback (CAL_ObjectSelectCallback cb)
int CAL_SetObjectTexture (int objID, int textureID, CAL_scalar xtile, CAL_scalar ytile, CAL_scalar alpha=1, bool receiveShadows=true, int sID=0)
int CAL_SetObjectVisibility (int objID, int viewID, bool visible, CAL_scalar time=-1)
int CAL_SetObjectWorldMatrix (int objID, CAL_matrix4 *matrix, CAL_scalar time)
int CAL_SetOverlayTextLine (int overlayID, int lineNr, char *text, float charHeight=10.f, float red=1.0f, float green=1.0f, float blue=1.0f, float alpha=1.0f)
int CAL_SetOverlayVisibility (int overlayID, bool visibility)
int CAL_SetTextureFromMem (int textureID, int width, int height, unsigned char *tex)
int CAL_SetTime (CAL_scalar time)
int CAL_SetViewFogDistance (CAL_scalar dist)
int CAL_SetViewGridSize (int viewID, CAL_scalar size)
int CAL_SetViewNavigationSpeed (int viewID, CAL_scalar dist)
int CAL_SetViewNearClippingDistance (int viewID, CAL_scalar dist)
int CAL_SetViewOptions (int viewID, long options)
int CAL_ShowView (int viewID, char *caption="", bool maximized=false)
int CAL_SuspendVisualisation ()
int CAL_TileViews ()

Detailed Description

All functions and constants of Callisto.

Function Documentation

int CAL_CreateLabel ( int  objID,
char *  caption,
CAL_scalar  charHeight,
CAL_scalar  x,
CAL_scalar  y,
CAL_scalar  z,
bool  showLine = true,
bool  fixedSize = false 

Create a label attached to an object. The label consists of a line and a text. The text is always faced towards the viewer. A label moves with the object it is attached to, but does not rotate or scale.

objIDThe ID of the object.
captionThe caption of the label (use
to start a new line).
charHeightSize of the label text (between 0 and 100).
xThe x position of the label w.r.t. the object.
yThe y position of the label w.r.t. the object.
zThe z position of the label w.r.t. the object.
showLineIndicates whether to show a line connecting the label to the object.
fixedSizeThe label has a fixed size, independent of distance of object to camera (i.e. when zooming, label remains same size on screen).
The function returns CAL_SUCCESS on success, and an errorcode on failure.
int CAL_DestroyLabel ( int  objID)

Destroy a label.

objIDThe ID of the object which label should be desroyed.
The function returns CAL_SUCCESS on success, and an errorcode on failure.
int CAL_SetGroupOrientationEuler ( int  groupID,
CAL_scalar  xRot,
CAL_scalar  yRot,
CAL_scalar  zRot,
CAL_scalar  time = -1 

Set the group orientation using Euler angles (in radians) for a specific time. If time is specified, the spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) algorithm is used for interpolation.

groupIDThe ID of the group to translate.
xRotThe orientation with respect to the x-axis;
yRotThe orientation with respect to the y-axis;
zRotThe orientation with respect to the z-axis;
timeThe time at which the group should have the orientation. If multiple orientations are defined (for different times), Callisto uses the SLERP algorithm to determine the orientation of the group given the current time. A single orientation at time 0 defines the group to be static regardless of the time.
The function returns CAL_SUCCESS on success, and an errorcode on failure.
int CAL_SetLabelCaption ( int  objID,
char *  caption 

Change the caption of the label.

objIDThe ID of the object.
captionThe caption of the label.
The function returns CAL_SUCCESS on success, and an errorcode on failure.
int CAL_SetLabelColor ( int  objID,
CAL_scalar  red,
CAL_scalar  green,
CAL_scalar  blue,
CAL_scalar  alpha 

Change the color of the label.

objIDThe ID of the object.
redThe red component of the color.
greenThe green component of the color.
blueThe blue component of the color.
alphaThe alpha transparency component of the color.
The function returns CAL_SUCCESS on success, and an errorcode on failure.